by Isaac | Jul 23, 2021 | Behavior Modification, Changing Habits, Fat loss, Weight loss
Greetings! Here’s a short video on the ‘Tiny Habits’ method created by B.J. Fogg. (These are all learning-curve videos that I am starting to explore and practice…only getting better with practice, right? Right!)...
by Isaac Chenevey | Jan 15, 2015 | Behavior Modification, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Wellness
Modern science is constantly surprising us. Currently, one of the most fascinating puzzles for biologists is the link between genetic expression and health. In 2003, the Human Genome project reached completion—it told us that human DNA contains 25,000 genes.[1]...
by Isaac Chenevey | Oct 1, 2014 | Behavior Modification, Changing Habits, Fitness, Lifestyle, Uncategorized
A lot of times we use lack of time as an excuse for why certain things cannot be done, when in reality, what is really lacking is the skills for how to manage time. There are 168 hours in a week. If you average eight hours of sleep a night, and a forty...